If you are a district administrator, you may view the login activity of district members. To access the report, you need to login to your District's website page.
Go to your district webpage and click on the Login link at the top right of the page. Then, enter your login details on the page that appears.
You are now logged in. To access the District Administration page, click on Member Area on the top right.
Click on Reports within the grey menu bar near the top.
Click on Login Activity on the blue menu bar.
This opens the Member Login Activity page, where you can view a summary of login activity by club or district. The results are automatically compiled into a pie chart. The purpose of the report gives a breakdown of the Club member’s last login activity over a period of time. The report is divided by Active members and honorary members and is broken down by month ranges. By default the report displays a pie chart and a grid of all the month range breakdowns.
You can use the filter options at the top of the page to filter the results. The filter options are:
- All – Display all areas and all clubs
- By Area – Will only display members from the selected area
- By Club – Will only display members last login information by the specific club selected
- District Login – Displays last login information for logging into the District Site
- Club Login – Displays last login information for logging into the Clubs site
- Show – Generates the report based on the filter options selected
On the report you can click View to get a breakdown of activity within a given period.
After you click on View, you will see a new report. The heading of the report are:
- Member Column – Displays the members name as a link. Simply click on the name to go to the members profile page.
- Club Column – Displays the club name that the member is associated with.
- Member Type Column – Displays the member’s status type. IE. Active, Ex Member, Honorary, ect.
- Area Column – Displays the geographic area of where the club is located
- Last Login Column – Displays the member’s last login activity to either the District site or the Club site.
You could also click on the Export to Excel/CSV link to create a spreadsheet file of the currently displayed report.