Note: Only persons who have the Site Administrator or District Administrator permission may manage the privacy policy.
Your Privacy Policy should state what personally identifiable information you collect about your members, guests, and website visitors, why this is data is gathered, how it is used and whether this information is shared with any third parties. Personally identifiable information refers to the individual's name, contact details, event registrations, volunteer signups, attendance records, website browsing history, and more.
It should also include information on how members and guests can review the information stored about them and how they request to review, correct and delete this data.
A link to this privacy policy will automatically be added to your website footer and will appear across all pages of your website. It will also be linked to from all disclaimers/notices requiring consent (e.g. Volunteer Signup Page, Newsletter Signup form, Event Registrations, etc.) notifying the individual that by giving their consent, they agree to terms as presented within this policy.
How do I manage the privacy policy?
1. To make changes to your Privacy Policy you will first need to login to your Club/District website. Once logged in, you will need to enter the Members Area.
2. Now that you're in the member's area you should see the Admin tab's menu selected. Click on the Edit Privacy Policy link near the top left on the grey menu bar.
3. You are now on the Manage Privacy Policy page. You can edit both the title of the page and its content.
4. Once you've finished reviewing your changes, click the orange Save button on the bottom right to publish your changes.