If you cannot login to ClubRunner or you happen to have forgotten your username or password, please follow the steps below to recover them!
In order to recover your login credentials, you will need to visit a ClubRunner website - either www.clubrunner.ca or wwww.clubrunnersupport.com.
Once on your selected ClubRunner website, click on the Login to ClubRunner or Member Login link in the top right corner of the page. Alternatively, click here to go directly to the ClubRunner login page.
Click on Forgot Username or Forgot Password.
Enter your email address into the Email Address field and click on the Submit button.
The system will then send you an email to your email address. Open this email and click on Reset Password.
If you have multiple ClubRunner profiles under the same email address, ensure that you select the account you wish to recover in the Select Account dropdown menu.
Your username will then be displayed and a new password can be entered into the Enter New Password field.
After entering your new password into the two password fields, click on the Submit button to reset your password.
Congratulations, your username has been recovered and your password has been reset! Click here to learn how to login to ClubRunner.