While registering for an event, registrants will be asked for some basic questions about themselves in order to complete their registration details. The organization is able to add and customize the various questions are that are asked in the questionnaire.
Customizing the Event Questionnaire
To access Cloud Events, you must go to your website’s homepage and log in. For more information on how to login, click here.
After logging in and navigation to the Member Area, you will see several tabs along the top of the screen. Click on the Events tab, and then click on Cloud Events.
Click the Manage button on the event you would like to manage the questionnaire for.
Near the top right, click on the Setup button to begin editing the event.
Click the Form option in the blue navigation menu to access the questionnaire.
On this page, you will find two sections:
Order Questions - Questions that will be asked of the individual placing the event registration order.
Attendee Questions - Questions that will be asked of the individual attendees/ticket holders.
Adding a Question
Click the Add Question button for the section you would like to add a question to.

A pop-up will appear where you can enter in the details regarding your custom question:

Question Text (Required) - The question you would like to ask.
Question Type - Allows you to select the format of the question.
Checkbox - A single checkbox.
Dropdown - A dropdown menu with a list of options. Only a single option may be selected.
Long Text - A large text box. Allows for several sentences.
Short Text - A small text box. Allows for a few words or single sentence.
Multiple Choice - A list of items where multiple may be selected.
Number - Allows a number to be entered.
Single Choice - A list of items where only a single option may be selected.
Required? - Determines whether the question is required.
Conditional by product? - Only display the question if a specific product was selected.
Conditional by question? - Only display the question if the selected question has the answer entered.
Once the question has been completed, click on the Save button to add your question to the questionnaire.

Repeat the above steps to add any additional questions.